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W4 Intermediate

Academic Coordination
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Al culminar este nivel, el participante será capaz de comprender los puntos principales de textos claros y en lengua estándar si tratan sobre cuestiones que le son conocidas, ya sea en situaciones de trabajo, de estudio o de ocio. Sabrá desenvolverse en la mayor parte de las situaciones que pueden surgir durante un viaje por zonas donde se utiliza la lengua. Podrá redactar textos medios con cierto grado de complejidad (como cartas, e-mails, e invitaciones).

Upon completion of this level, you will be capable of understanding the main points of clear texts in Standard language if they deal with familiar matters, whether in work, study or leisure situations. You will be prepared to deal with most of the situations that may arise during a trip in areas where the language is used. You will be able to write average texts with a certain degree of complexity (such as letters, e-mails, and invitations).

We will introduce the following topics:

  • Order of adjectives before nouns.
  • Order of adjectives after verbs.
  • Order of adjectives: Opinion vs. Fact.
  • Adverbs of manner.
  • Adverbs of place (somewhere, home, near, nearby, etc.)
  • Differentiate the usage of adverbs and adjectives.
  • Quantifiers (much, many, little, few, a lot, plenty).
  • Expressions of quantity and containers.
  • Use of and difference between both, either and neither.
  • Use of all, all of, most, most of, some, some of, etc.
  • Use of all, every and whole.
  • Use of each, each one, every, every one, among others.
  • Present Perfect Continuous: Use and formation of affirmative and negative sentences.
  • Present Perfect Continuous: Formation of questions and use with since, for and how long.
  • Review have to, must and don’t have to and introduce need to for necessity.
  • Reported speech with modal verbs.
  • Reported speech with orders and requests.
  • Reported speech with questions.
  • Comparisons using modifiers.
  • First and zero conditionals.
  • The second conditional.
  • Passive voice to introduce new information.
  • Passive voice to describe a process.
  • Passive vs active voice.

List of homework in the virtual book.

Level Intermediate
Week Topic Off2Class Content
1 TOPIC 1 A2.1 AdjectivesOrder, Before Nouns
TOPIC 2 A2.2 Adjectives Order, After Verbs
TOPIC 3 A2.3 Adjectives Order, Opinion vs. Fact white board paper
2 TOPIC 1 A8.1 Adverbs of manner VOICE OVER
TOPIC 2 A7.1 Adverbs of Place somewhere, home, near, nearby
TOPIC 3 A5.2 Differentiate the usage of adverbs and adjectives
3 TOPIC 1 N16.2 Much, many, little, few, a lot, plenty
TOPIC 2 N8.3 Expressions of Quantity, Containers, pair of recipe
TOPIC 3 N16.3 Both, Either, Neither
4 TOPIC 1 N16.4 All, all of, most, most of, some, some of
TOPIC 2 N16.5 All, every, whole
TOPIC 3 N 16.6 Each, each one, every, every one
5 TOPIC 1 VC3.1 Present Perfect Continuous 1
TOPIC 2 VC3.2 Present Perfect Continuous 2
TOPIC 3 M3.6 Review have to, must and don’t have to and introduce need to for necessity
6 TOPIC 1 RS1.4 Reported speech Modals
TOPIC 2 RS1.6 Reported speech Orders Requests gossiping
TOPIC 3 RS1.7 Reported speech Questions
7 TOPIC 1 A3.4 Comparisons using modifiers
TOPIC 2 C1.2 First and Zero Conditionals
TOPIC 3 C2.2 The second conditional
8 TOPIC 1 PC1.3 Passive for New Information
TOPIC 2 PC1.4 Passive to Describe a Process
TOPIC 3 PC1.5 Passive vs. Active Voice

Here is the level outline:

1. Intermediate Week 1

Feb 1

Order of adjectives before nouns Order of adjectives after verbs. Order of adjectives: Opinion vs. Fact

2. Intermediate Week 2

Feb 1

Adverbs of manner. Adverbs of place (somewhere, home, near, nearby, etc.) Differentiate the usage of adverbs and adjectives.

3. Intermediate Week 3

Feb 1

Quantifiers (much, many, little, few, a lot, plenty). Expressions of quantity and containers. Use of and difference between both, either and neither.

4. Intermediate Week 4

Feb 1

Use of all, all of, most, most of, some, some of, etc. Use of all, every and whole Use of each, each one, every, every one, among others.

5. Intermediate Week 5

Feb 1

Present Perfect Continuous: Use and formation of affirmative and negative sentences. Present Perfect Continuous: Formation of questions and use with since, for and how long. Review have to, must and don’t have to and introduce need to for necessity.

6. Intermediate Week 6

Feb 1

Reported speech with modal verbs. Reported speech with orders and requests. Reported speech with questions.

7. Intermediate Week 7

Feb 1

Comparisons using modifiers First and zero conditionals The second conditional

8. Intermediate Week 8

Feb 1

Passive voice to introduce new information. Passive voice to describe a process. Passive vs active voice.

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