OD2 False Beginners
Al culminar este nivel, el participante será capaz de comprender frases y expresiones de uso frecuente relacionadas con áreas de experiencia que le son especialmente relevantes (información básica sobre sí mismo y su familia, compras, lugares de interés, ocupaciones, entro otros). Sabrá comunicarse a la hora de llevar a cabo tareas simples y cotidianas que no requieran más que intercambios sencillos y directos de información sobre cuestiones que le son conocidas o habituales. Sabrá describir en términos sencillos aspectos de su pasado y su entorno, así como cuestiones relacionadas con sus necesidades inmediatas.
At the end of this level, you will be able to understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of experience that are particularly relevant to you (basic information about yourself and your family, shopping, places of interest, occupations, etc.). You will be able to communicate in simple, everyday tasks requiring simple and direct exchanges of information on familiar or routine matters. You will be able to describe aspects of your past and your environment in simple terms, as well as issues related to your immediate needs.
We will introduce the following topics:
- Descriptive adjectives the present simple of be.
- Descriptive adjectives the present simple of be (question form).
- Positive and negative forms of the present simple.
- Clothing vocabulary.
- Questions in the present simple.
- Adverbs of frequency.
- Countable and uncountable nouns with a/an, some and any.
- Fruit and vegetables vocabulary.
- Much, many and a lot of with countable and uncountable nouns.
- There is / there are positive and negative form, and Yes / No questions.
- Possessive pronouns and possessive -’s.
- Transport vocabulary.
- The past simple of be.
- Past simple positive of regular and irregular verbs.
- Past simple negative and questions.
- Like, love, don’t like, and don’t mind to talk about likes and dislikes.
- Talk about ability in the present and past.
- Have to to express necessity and obligation.
- Sports and leisure vocabulary.
- The present continuous.
- Comparative forms of adjectives.
- Superlative forms of adjectives.
- Animal vocabulary.
- The present perfect (irregular past participles).
- Compare past simple and present perfect.
- Going to for plans.
- On vacation, booking and packing vocabulary.
- Should and shouldn’t to give advice.
- Learn time expressions. Learn have for possessions.
- Health and talking about how you feel.
Here is the level outline:
1. False Beginners Week 1
Dec 7
Descriptive adjectives the present simple of be. Descriptive adjectives the present simple of be (Questions). Positive and negative forms of the present simple. Clothing vocabulary. |
2. False Beginners Week 2
Nov 2
Questions in the present simple. Adverbs of frequency. Countable and uncountable nouns with a/an, some and any. Fruit and vegetables vocabulary. |
3. False Beginners Week 3
Nov 2
Much, many and a lot of with countable and uncountable nouns. There is / there are positive and negative form, and Yes / No questions. Possessive pronouns and possessive -’s. Transport vocabulary. |
4. False Beginners Week 4
Nov 2
The past simple of be. Past simple positive of regular and irregular verbs. Past simple negative and questions. |
5. False Beginners Week 5
Nov 2
Like, love, don’t like, and don’t mind to talk about likes and dislikes. Talk about ability in the present and past. Have to to express necessity and obligation. Sports and Leisure vocabulary. |
6. False Beginners Week 6
Nov 2
The present continuous. Comparative forms of adjectives. Superlative forms of adjectives. Animal vocabulary. |
7. False Beginners Week 7
Nov 2
The present perfect (irregular past participles). Compare past simple and present perfect. Going to for plans. On vacation, booking and packing vocabulary. |
8. False Beginners Week 8
Nov 2
Should and shouldn’t to give advice. Learn time expressions. Learn have for possessions. Health and talking about how you feel. |