Teens VII
Contact us for the level schedule.
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Serás capaz de resolver situaciones que se presenten en el colegio, en viajes o en tu vida social de forma hablada y escrita.
We will introduce you to the following topics:
- Adjectives, adverbs, comparatives and superlatives, present perfect, used, infinitives and gerunds.
- Food and drink, mealtime customs.
- Countables and Uncountables review. Quantifiers (Much, many, little, few, a lot, plenty)
- Too, enough and not enough to talk about quantities.
- Stages in life and key life events.
- The first conditional.
- Habits and daily activities.
- The zero conditional.
- Education and study. Subjects and school vocabulary.
- Review have to and don’t have to and introduce must and need to for necessity
- Dreams and impossible situations. Superpowers.
- The second conditional.
- Trips and tourism. Tourist attractions. Hotel vocabulary.
- Past continuous.
- Stories. Review of past time expressions.
- Past continuous and simple past. difference.
Here is the level outline:
1. Teens VII 1st Month
Aug 28
2. Teens VII 2nd Month |
3. 3. Teens VII 3rd Month |