Teens VIII
Contact us for the level schedule.
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Podrás describir experiencias, planes y dar opiniones en casi cualquier situación, con mayor confianza y seguridad.
We will introduce you to the following topics:
- Movie genres and more movie and film vocabulary.
- Defining relative clauses.
- Writing a biographical text. Review of life stages and accomplishments
- Past perfect. Review of past participles.
- Methods of transportation. Vehicles.
- Difference between the simple present and the present continuous.
- Art and literature vocabulary.
- The passive present simple and the passive past simple
- Science and space vocabulary. Planets.
- Passive for New Information
- Workplaces. Jobs and trades. Careers
- Passive to describe a process
- Means of communication vocabulary.
- Reported Speech
- Internet vocabulary. Slang and abbreviations.
- Reported speech: Modals
- Review of family vocabulary, extended family. Describing your family.
- Reported speech: Orders
Here is the level outline:
1. Teens VIII 1st Month
Aug 28
2. Teens VIII 2nd Month
Jul 24
3. Teens VIII 3rd Month |